Friday 6 April 2007

be careful what you wish for!

What would happen if we expected equal parenting?

Not just after separation as a matter of law, but during relationships as a matter of social norm?

What if the demands for Fathers 4 Justice actually came through – fifty percent care each – ALL THE TIME.

How many fathers would feel quite so free to skip off into the sunset with a new woman if they knew that they faced fifty percent care of their children – or a penalty of, say, twice times child support?

How many men would become a father in the first place?!

For this would have to relate to all parenting – not just committed relationships, but one night stands too? (only exceptions to be rape and incest – and they would have to pay four times child support).

What effect would this have on the divorce/separation/birth rate?

Answers and comments please.


Forseti said...

Hi Penny, you are repeating a common confusion between shared or equal parenting and shared or equal residence. The two are not the same. Equal residence is clearly not possible in most relationships; what we are campaigning for is that the law treat mothers and fathers equally: that it accept that for children both parents are equally important, and equally loved, and that it stop elevating one parent - not always the father - above the other.

It is a common, and frankly rather boring, technique used by those who oppose equal parenting to invent aims for us and then to demonstrate that these aims are unworkable. If you want to engage intelligently, try finding out a little of what we really stand for.

Anonymous said...

Hoi Penny,
If you allow me, I would like to ask you a couple of questions.

Why would any good parent have to pay child support if our politicians don’t understand the meaning of a child’s right to have both parents in their lives first?

Why would social norm change after separation and divorce in the first place?

Why should children’s rights to have both parents in their lives not continue after divorce or separation?

Would you agree with me that for some reason most mothers feel as if they have more rights to their children after div. and separation because the children are registered at their mothers address, home?

Would equal presumptive 50/50 joint physical custody remove the damaging pattern, this trend to >ownership< to the child?
Would it not protect children from being harmed by new step parents or new partners male or female?

You are asking how it all would effect the divorce/separation/birth rate?

The answer is already reality in Germany..... :(

because the child’s natural right ( as well legal right ) is still being ignored by German Politicians, German family court judges and the mothers, since mothers lies are as well supported, protected by for example media, as mothers falsely accuse fathers of domestic violence ( without legal consequences) to attain sole physical custody, Germany has become a childless country. Germany’s children are being abused by their own Government since false media reports, false accusations and radical feminist politicians are feeding the feminist movement world wide.. If our sons decide to have children they will be without doubts fathers without rights, feminist Grandma’s therefore are going to be Grandparents without rights. Our rights are not only our constitutional rights but our given right whereas we follow human natural laws to first reproduce.